Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just a Few Millimeters

I learned how to roof a house this past weekend! It was super fun to learn something completely new to me and to build and strengthen relationships with the people in my life as we worked together to complete a service for somebody in need.

As I threw down shingle after shingle and helped solve the problems that inevitably cropped up, I couldn't help but see life lessons in almost every moment. Lessons about the importance of laws and commandments, the importance of communication, the value of work, the value of service, et cetera.

Last night a dear friend dropped by to visit with me. She has been struggling with obeying the little commandments in life, and has been in my prayers every night. Her choices are breaking my heart because I know where they will lead. I've been there. Much like laying shingles, the seemingly small mistakes now make all the difference later on.

That shingle you just laid is only a few millimeters off, but unless you correct it immediately you'll be 5-6 inches off by the end of your row. That distance is much harder to fix! It is the same with commandments. My friend is making choices that seem small now, but I know they will drastically alter the course of her life and lead her farther and farther from God. She is asking questions and seeking guidance, and I have faith that with God she can correct the mistakes she is making and get back on track. Oh how I pray that she does! How important it is to be diligent in abiding by the little things in life!


  1. What a great analogy! Thanks for the little reminder of whats important. I sure wish I was coming up. Xoxo

  2. Love this! It's so true. You should have included some pictures of the shingle lines...hee hee.

  3. Great reminder! Reminds me of a story I heard about a guy that was moving a house to a new location/foundation. He laid out the foundation based on measurements he took with a cloth measuring tape instead of a metal construction tape. The cloth tape stretched - thus the foundation was too big for the house! Just a bit, but the proper tool would have made all the difference! Proper tools + proper rules + exacting obedience = success!!!

